
Whether you are new to improv or have some previous experience, these workshops are designed to support all self-identified people of color.

We use activities to connect improv to everyday life. Through games, activities, and scene work, participants can embrace failure, get more comfortable being themselves, and connect with others -- with a lot of laughter! Expect a mix of individual, partner, and group activities.

Some activities may be very physical and/or done standing while others will be done sitting. We know bodies move in different ways, and we're happy to adapt our activities to what your body is up for.

We offer:

  • 7 week Improv for People of Color Class (twice per year, scholarships available)

  • Free Monthly Improv for PoC workshops

I didn’t think I could do scenework and I was surprised that I could do it in the final classes. I think you all built up our skills to get there. I really liked the themes and intentionality of each class. It’s what made this improv class unique and that’s why I wanted to sign up.


Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I practice improv?

Even if you don't act or perform for a living, there are a ton of benefits to practicing improv, e.g., improved public speaking skills, enhanced creative-thinking abilities, increased confidence, etc... Everyone takes an improv class for a different reason. Whatever reason you come into class with, the activities done during class are designed to touch on all of these.

Why is Untold Improv for PoC?

Our society has a long history of not valuing people of color, and the underrepresentation in media reflects that. We don’t have much control over which stories Hollywood tells, but the wonderful thing about improv is anyone can do it. It doesn’t take a big crew or writers or directors. It all comes from the performers, in the moment. We think the current improv scene could use more representation and will always prioritize the safety, belonging, and accessibility for self-identified people of color.

I’m not very funny, nor am I good at making things up on the spot. Should I still sign up?

Yes! At Untold Improv, we prioritize being real over being funny. We value stories that stem from our authentic experiences, and we encourage all participants to state what’s real or obvious during activities vs. just trying to come up with something funny to say. We find that the act of trying to think of something funny on the spot often takes away from active listening.

This also means there’s no excuse of “you need to learn to take a joke” or “you don’t get my humor.” We’ll still find humor in this class, but it won’t be at the expense of anyone’s comfort or humanity. Also, real life is funny!

What can I expect during the first class?

Each week has a theme designed to connect both to improv and to life. Through games, activities, and scene work, participants can embrace failure, get more comfortable being themselves, and connect with others -- with a lot of laughter!

See a sample class agenda and themes.